
The South Pacific Bowls, Veterans Golf 2025, Governors Cup 2024, Bird Week 2024 and Garden Week 2024 events that have been advertised on our website, on flyers, on home page banners and on social media have had a price change to their airfares. The new package prices are;

South Pacific Bowls: Ex BNE $2009*, Ex SYD $2229*

Veterans Golf; Ex BNE $2279*, Ex SYD $2309*

Governors Cup; Ex BNE $2299*, Ex SYD $2179*

Bird Week; Ex BNE $3449*, Ex SYD $3639*

Garden Week (Also advertised in ABC Organic Gardener Winter edition); Ex BNE $2809*, Ex SYD $3169*

We apologise for any inconvenience. 13 Jun 24.