Norfolk Island Events
Book one of our Norfolk Island holiday packages during an event and for some extra holiday experiences. Every month a number of events occur on Norfolk Island covering sports, history, music, dance, arts, hobbies and more. Our friendly team can help you find perfect holiday and event!
Browse by Event Type
Norfolk Pines at Christmas Time – Escorted Tour
Escape the holiday chaos and embrace a stress-free Christmas with a festive Secret Santa, indulgent Christmas Lunch, and breath taking Norfolk Island experiences.
46th International Clay Target Championships 2026
Keep your eyes high at the 46th Norfolk Island International Clay Target Championships in 2026! Join us for a week of competitive shooting and socialising at one of the most scenic spots on the island.
Veterans Golf Tournament 2026
The Veterans Golf Tournament is a great way to combine your love of golf with a late summer holiday. Participants must be 50 years or over with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to be won.
First Fleet Week 2026
Enjoy this fabulous time of year on Norfolk Island with added interest of Foundation Day celebrations