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Showing 1–16 of 51 results
Aloha Apartments
Includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Located in the heart of Burnt Pine township while still offering a quiet fully self-contained apartment stay.
Bailey’s High Tea Party (Governor’s Lodge)
Join the long-established favourite of afternoon tea with a glass of sparkling wine on arrival, tea or coffee and sweet and savoury delights.
Bounty Folk Museum
No trip to Norfolk Island is complete without a trip to the Bounty Folk Museum. You’ll find history, humour and hospitality in this much-loved and quirky museum. A treasure chest of Norfolk Island history, the museum is an Aladdin’s cave, full of fantastic collections.
Breakfast Bushwalk (Pinetree Tours)
Start your day with a choice of a 1.5km walk through Palm Glen Reserve or a leisurely 3km walk along the Bridle Track to Captain Cook Monument. At the end of the walk meet on the clifftop for a delicious breakfast barbecue.
Castaway Norfolk Island
Includes flights, car, breakfast, pizza & cheese platter & 2 tours!
In the heart of town with hotel and apartment-style accommodation plus an on-site brewery.
Christian’s of Bucks Point
SAVE $100 pp – includes flights, car, welcome wine, breakfast items & 2 tours!
This 3-bedroom heritage home will be exclusively yours during your stay.
Sale ends 28 March 25.
Cliff Top BBQ Breakfast (Pinetree Tours)
If you prefer not to rise early and bush walk, but would like to have breakfast on the cliff top, join us at Captain Cook Monument to share in the delicious barbeque breakfast.
Colleen McCullough Home Tour (Baunti Tours)
World renowned author, Colleen McCullough, made Norfolk Island home in 1979. This exclusive tour takes you through Ric and Colleen’s magnificent home.
Convict Settlement Tour (Pinetree Tours)
Join us on an ‘In Depth’ tour of the historic Georgian settlement of Kingston. Walk through the cemetery & hear the history of interesting convict & colonial headstones, hear stories of the houses along Quality Row.
Crest Apartments
SAVE $328pp – includes flights, car & 2 tours!
Apartment-style accommodation with stunning ocean views right from your front door.
Sale ends 28 March 25.
Curious Castaways – Island Explorer Tours
A story of English Pirates, Polynesian Princesses, early Pitcairner history, Norf’k language, weaving and wetls/traditional food tasting.
Daydreamer Apartments
SAVE $240* – includes flights, car, free Wi-Fi & 2 tours!
Close to the centre of town with 1 & 2 bedroom apartments.
Sale ends 28 March 25.
Dormitories of the Dead – Island Explorer Tours
Old cemeteries, burial grounds, and unmarked graves provide us with a valuable and fascinating record of our dear and distant past.
Farm and Industry Tour
Experience a selection of the many enterprises that sustain our community from raising meat producing sheep to market gardening to manufacturing, liqueurs or exporting Kentia seedlings.
Ghost Tour Dinner and Lantern Walk (Pinetree Tours)
Listen to tales and stories that will delight you, make you sad, maybe weep and through it all, send shivers down your spine! Includes dinner in historic Kingston and lantern walk.