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Showing 17–32 of 51 results

Glaas Bohtam Boets (Christian’s)

Norfolk Islander’s, Donald and George, will share their knowledge of Norfolk’s unique marine life. View beautiful coral gardens and tropical fish inside the calm crystal waters of Emily Bay.

From $65.00 pp (adults)
ON SALE – Resort-style!
Cabin at Governor's Lodge on Norfolk Island

Governor’s Lodge

SAVE $268* – includes flights, breakfast, car, free Wi-Fi & 2 tours!
Resort-style property with standalone cabins, swimming pool & 3 on-site dining venues.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From Original price was: $2,769.00.Current price is: $2,499.00. pp twin share

Greenfinger Tour (Pinetree Tours)

Explore a stunning private garden, learn about local flora and fauna and meander through the island’s only maze. Join us on a delightful half-day tour exploring the island’s most enchanting gardens. 

From $60.00 pp

Island Adventures 4WD Tour

Climb aboard our 18 seater 4wd bus for a Pioneering Adventure off the beaten tracks, through the National Park and access to private properties with stunning views.

From $70.00 pp

Island Fish Fry (Pinetree Tours)

Enjoy a sumptuous night of food, entertainment and stunning views at the exclusive “Orn Dar Cliff”. Take in the scenery of Norfolk’s beautiful western coastline & whilst enjoying local food and entertainment.

From $80.00 pp (self drive)

Island Life Coach Tour (Aata Orn Tours)

Spend a delightful day touring Norfolk Island, gaining a true insight into the intricate nature of modern island life.

From $140.00 pp
ON SALE – Stay 7 Pay 5!

Islander Lodge

SAVE $325pp – includes flights, car & 2 tours!
Uninterrupted views of the ocean and World Heritage Listed Kingston.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From Original price was: $2,625.00.Current price is: $2,299.00. pp twin share

Lantern Lit Ghost Tour (Island Explorer Tours)

Learn the authentic stories of our horrific past from the strange and mysterious, to the downright bizarre. Hear the terrifying tales of mischief, malice, mayhem & murder.

From $47.00 pp

Legends of the Lash – Island Explorer Tours

A unique opportunity to bring history to life and ‘see’ the convicts who served time on Norfolk Island. Walk in their footsteps & hear their stories.

From $47.00 pp

Margaret Christian Eco and Bird Finder Tour

This magical 1/2 day tour will take you to the forest and clifftop homes of the island’s birds, and leave you with an understanding of the islands’ origins, natural history and ecosystems.

From $120.00 pp

Murder Mystery Dinner (Pinetree Tours)

Enjoy a three course meal fit for the Commandants whilst the Mystery unfolds. Meet the Commandant, Clergymen & Convicts of this period. 

From $98.00 pp

Museum Pass & Tag A Long Tour

Located in the World Heritage listed Kingston, you will find the Museums of Norfolk Island. Pass includes multiple entries to all 5 museums at any time during your stay and 2 guided Tag-A-Long tours.

From $35.00 pp

Night as a Convict (Pinetree Tours)

A fun night out for all ages! Dress as a convict & join the Commandant for an evening of gaiety, feasting, singing & dancing. Great food! Great fun! (outfit supplied) 

From $98.00 pp

Norfolk Island Cultural Art & Heritage Tour – Dids Evans

Dids will lead you through his stunning property overlooking the KAVHA World Heritage site and tell you about his Norf’k culture, traditional carving, weaving, art work and language.

From $73.00 pp
ON SALE - Stay 7 Pay 5!

Ocean Breeze Cottages

SAVE $318pp – includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Uninterrupted views of the ocean and World Heritage Listed Kingston.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From Original price was: $2,659.00.Current price is: $2,339.00. pp twin share

Over the Cattlestops (Pinetree Tours)

Discover the hidden gems of Norfolk Island’s local industries. From handcrafted pottery to locally made salt, you will have the chance to meet the owners and purchase these handmade goods. You will also enjoy complimentary morning tea.

From $64.00 pp

Hot Deals - valid for selected travel dates up until 31 March 2025

Country-style Cottages

Trade Winds Country Cottages

Country-style cottages sit on extensive gardens that grow fresh produce available for guest use, Trade Winds Country Cottages offer the perfect island and country escape combined.

From $2099 pp quad share
ON SALE - Apartment-style

Crest Apartments

SAVE $328pp – includes flights, car & 2 tours!
Apartment-style accommodation with stunning ocean views right from your front door.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $1899 pp twin share
ON SALE - Heritage House Stay!

Christian’s of Bucks Point

SAVE $100 pp – includes flights, car, welcome wine, breakfast items & 2 tours!
This 3-bedroom heritage home will be exclusively yours during your stay.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2289 pp six share
ON SALE – Resort-style!

Governor’s Lodge

SAVE $268* – includes flights, breakfast, car, free Wi-Fi & 2 tours!
Resort-style property with standalone cabins, swimming pool & 3 on-site dining venues.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2499 pp twin share
ON SALE - Stay 7 Pay 5!

Ocean Breeze Cottages

SAVE $318pp – includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Uninterrupted views of the ocean and World Heritage Listed Kingston.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2339 pp twin share

Paradise Hotel & Resort

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Set among tropical gardens with an outdoor pool and on-site restaurant.

From $2729 pp twin share

South Pacific Resort Hotel

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Convenient location on Taylors Road close to cafés and shops.

From $2699 pp twin share
Centrally located

Aloha Apartments

Includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Located in the heart of Burnt Pine township while still offering a quiet fully self-contained apartment stay.

From $2649 pp twin share
Testimonial Comma 01
For group travel you could not go past Norfolk Island Travel Centre! Breathtaking scenery, friendly folks, well-organised tours and something for everyone to enjoy – Norfolk has it all! Many, Many thanks for organising a wonderful holiday for our Probus Club
Chris, Probus Club,