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Showing 33–48 of 51 results


Paradise Hotel & Resort

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Set among tropical gardens with an outdoor pool and on-site restaurant.

From $2,729.00 pp twin share
EXCLUSIVE Probian Holiday Packages

Probian Group Holiday on Norfolk Island

Discover Norfolk Island with this EXCLUSIVE Probian package.

Norfolk is a safe and relaxing – the perfect destination for your group. This peaceful and unspoiled destination is known for the iconic Norfolk pine trees, convict past and incredible history. There’s so much to explore and enjoy – you’ll find much more than you expected on a Norfolk Island holiday!

From $2,899.00 pp

Progressive Dinner to Island Homes (Pinetree Tours)

Enjoy a 3 course meal progressing to different Norfolk Island family homes. A fun night and a great way to meet the local people and sample Island dishes.

From $90.00 pp
ON SALE – Stay 7 Pay 5!

Seascape Norfolk Island

SAVE $225* – includes flights, SUV, 2 tours & Island Fish Fry!
Private 2 bedroom/2 bathroom villa with ocean & Norfolk Pine views.

Sale ends  28 March 25.

From Original price was: $2,175.00.Current price is: $1,949.00. pp quad share

Settlement Secrets – Island Explorer Tours

Our signature tour reveals a tumultuous tale and in-depth tour of the iconic Convict Kingston UNESCO World Heritage listed site with special emphasis on the human experience through story-telling.

From $49.00 pp

Sound & Light Show (Pinetree Tours)

The stillness & the stars are there just as they were before mankind arrived in 1788. However, with dramatic use of real life sounds, theatrical lighting & costumed actors, the stillness is broken as you are taken through the horrifying decades of Norfolk Island’s convict era.

From $65.00 pp

South Pacific Resort Hotel

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Convenient location on Taylors Road close to cafés and shops.

From $2,699.00 pp twin share

The Natural Wonders of Norfolk Island (Aata Orn Tours)

Explore Norfolk Island’s geological marvels in all their natural beauty.  Sheer rugged cliffs, outcrops of basalt and volcanic residue are a result from the island’s volcanic creation, three million years ago.

From $55.00 pp

The Pitcairn Settlers Story on Norfolk Island

Learn about the colourful history of Norfolk Island’s most recent settlement. You will experience the history and culture of the Pitcairn settlers, and view the magnificent homestead gardens, including many traditional crops.

From $50.00 pp (adults)
Country-style Cottages

Trade Winds Country Cottages

Country-style cottages sit on extensive gardens that grow fresh produce available for guest use, Trade Winds Country Cottages offer the perfect island and country escape combined.

From $2,099.00 pp quad share

Twilight Ghost Tour (Norfolk Island History and Genealogy: Personal Island Tours)

As the sun goes down, join Elizabeth – a paranormal, spiritual enthusiast and hear spine chilling stories of her ‘Phantom Friends’ that frequent the island.

From $52.00 pp

Wars of Change Coach Tour (Aata Orn Tours)

Come along on a tour which explains how the idyllic characteristics of Norfolk Island have been challenged and changed by the events of World War II.

From $55.00 pp

Women of Norfolk (Pinetree Tours)

Join us as we learn about the captivating stories of Norfolk Island’s exceptional women who have played a pivotal role and helped shape its history.

From $64.00 pp

Wonderland By Night (Pinetree Tours)

The setting is 10 acres of magical Norfolk pines and bushland lit up like an enchanted forest. Meander along (or ride in the ‘moon buggy’) a gentle winding path and enjoy a light supper at the end.

From $58.00 pp

World Heritage Walking Tour (Aata Orn Tours)

On this walking tour of the World Heritage Listed Kingston, you will hear stories of Australia’s past colonial and penal history.

From $50.00 pp
+ 10 Experiences

Norfolk Explorer

Escape to Norfolk Island with the ‘Norfolk Explorer’ package. Our fullest package includes 10 essential tours and activities for the ultimate explorer experience.

From $2,799.00 pp

Hot Deals - valid for selected travel dates up until 31 March 2025

Country-style Cottages

Trade Winds Country Cottages

Country-style cottages sit on extensive gardens that grow fresh produce available for guest use, Trade Winds Country Cottages offer the perfect island and country escape combined.

From $2099 pp quad share
ON SALE - Apartment-style

Crest Apartments

SAVE $328pp – includes flights, car & 2 tours!
Apartment-style accommodation with stunning ocean views right from your front door.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $1899 pp twin share
ON SALE - Heritage House Stay!

Christian’s of Bucks Point

SAVE $100 pp – includes flights, car, welcome wine, breakfast items & 2 tours!
This 3-bedroom heritage home will be exclusively yours during your stay.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2289 pp six share
ON SALE – Resort-style!

Governor’s Lodge

SAVE $268* – includes flights, breakfast, car, free Wi-Fi & 2 tours!
Resort-style property with standalone cabins, swimming pool & 3 on-site dining venues.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2499 pp twin share
ON SALE - Stay 7 Pay 5!

Ocean Breeze Cottages

SAVE $318pp – includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Uninterrupted views of the ocean and World Heritage Listed Kingston.

Sale ends 28 March 25.

From $2339 pp twin share

Paradise Hotel & Resort

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Set among tropical gardens with an outdoor pool and on-site restaurant.

From $2729 pp twin share

South Pacific Resort Hotel

Includes flights, car, breakfast, & 2 tours!
Convenient location on Taylors Road close to cafés and shops.

From $2699 pp twin share
Centrally located

Aloha Apartments

Includes flights, car & 4 tours!
Located in the heart of Burnt Pine township while still offering a quiet fully self-contained apartment stay.

From $2649 pp twin share
Testimonial Comma 01
For group travel you could not go past Norfolk Island Travel Centre! Breathtaking scenery, friendly folks, well-organised tours and something for everyone to enjoy – Norfolk has it all! Many, Many thanks for organising a wonderful holiday for our Probus Club
Chris, Probus Club,